Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Spidey Eli and Kai

So I know I said Eli had made a decision on what He wanted to be Dash well a lot has happened since then. He has watched Spiderman 1 and 2, Daredevil, X-Men and the Justice League. So he has gone from all of those about 3 times in one day. Today I took him to Party City and when he saw all the costumes he with out a doubt picked Spiderman. So we bought it and bought Kai one also. They are both going to be Spidermen. He also has decided to do his birthday party in Spiderman theme. He is sooooo excited. Today he wore his costume all over the house, actually he is sleeping in his bed write now in it. And we are not allowed to refer to him as Eli when he has the costume on, he is Spiderman. It is very cute and fun to watch him.

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